Suhadi Hadiwinoto
Ex World Bank
Ex Head of Planning Department Jakarta Metropolitan
Bambang Gambiro
Secretary of CHI
Ex Delf School, Holland on Housing Settlement.
Taught at University of Indonesia.
Antonio Risianto
Founder of Asian Neighborhood Design and Triaco Architects
Ex Berkeley, Architecture
Ex MIT, Housing and Settlement Development in Developing Countries
Dodo Yuliman
Currently working on Financing for Housing the Poor.
Ex UN Habitat Country Head.
Sri Probo Sudarmo
World Bank
Ex IHS Holland
Taught at ITB University.
Stephen Bevington
Founder and Managing Director of Community Housing LTD
Parwoto Tjondro Sugianto
World Bank, The main Designer of the World Bank’s best Poverty Alleviation Program.
Ex IHS, Holland.
Started the “Community Based Housing” program.